Healing You, Healing the Planet, Connecting to the Stars.

Let's reconnect you to your soul dreams, heal the Planet. 


Remote Healing

Working with the wisdom of  crystals and a Reiki Master (1998) I undertake Remote Healing and Crystal Wards.  A Ward is a ceremony that is set with the intention of healing an individual or situation at deep soul level and lasts for 7 days and nights.

The individual requiring healing is placed  at the centre of the ceremony with the energy directed towards their wellbeing and restoration to harmony. I use a physical symbols of the individual on the Earth plane e.g. a photo or name written and placed in the centre and work with candles, crystals and the healing energy of the ceremony.

Please contact me at suzywightonphd@gmail.com for remote working Medical Intuition, Remote Healing or working with the Surgeons in Spirit. 

Medical Intuitive

I have been working as an unaware Medical Intuitive for most of my career coming late to the term and concept. A Medical Intuitive can seen and feel individual vibrations either close up physically with eyes and hands, or remotely , looking at the individual's energy from afar. 

Surgeons in Spirit 

To enhance this work a  team of Surgeons in Spirit began to work with me in 2019. These include my two uncles ,trained surgeons with military connections and others who wished to assist on Earth connected to me by universities and  hospitals . 

The Surgeons work on energy fields in all areas, and have the advantage of working in realms we do not understand, but are clinically visible in scans and survival. Although sometimes the cure is to gently let go of this life and move into the realm of Spirit.  I am the link and they are the Masters, as they  work within the realms of what we know as Quantum Physics.